16. Respite

16. Respite

In a Universe as large and diverse as the one currently inhabited, chances are that everything has happened many times. There are a few select occurrences of events that seems so unlikely or unique that it can be assumed that it happened only once. The Big Bang is probably such an event. Inside the bowels of TGFT HQ, another singular event was about to take place. 

Surbius noted what could only be interpreted as an attack against the guild, in the form of a hostile take-over attempt by an entity named TATE. Masterly planned, the take-over was bound to be a success if TGFT failed to provide the 220 million credits before the 1100 deadline. The failure to pay would mean that TGFT would go straight for bankruptcy, and if TATE could provide the money to pick up the debts, they would own TGFT, with all resources and contracts.  Surbius looked up at NP who was fiddling with a pencil on the other side of the desk, and from him further up to Naoko who was standing with her usual calm demeanour and detached attention. She was getting to be invaluable to him, he made a mental note to make sure she was set up for priority access, the kind only reserved for council and above. He looked back at his screen, 10.58.38. Soon it would happen, only a few seconds to go. 10.59.00, and Surbius touched the transfer switch, effectively moving the 275 million credits into the TPG account, settling the daily bills as well as the debt. He then switched over to the stock market at Dau central and watched the value of the TGFT stock stay stable through 1100, with the resulting withdrawal of the hostile take-over bid. The Event happened, Surbius smiled and laughed out loud. The effect was enough for Naoko and NP to look at each other in surprise, Naoko quickly regaining her composure.

"Looks like our enemy has withdrawn his attack." He looked up at the still surprised NP again, "at least he has shown his face, and that means we can seize the initiative."

He looked back at his screen and activated the software NP had brought along. A data leech, it attached itself to a secure transmission and provided the physical location of the sender. Upon entering the actual terminal from where the signal was sent, the leech would check for the buttons pushed, telemetrics entered, effectively receiving log-on and personal information. It would then send this to a "dead box" where it could be retrieved with another special piece of software. Needless to say, the leech was highly illegal, owning it meant permanent ban from the UIT data sphere. Using it usually resulted in a very long prison term for the user. Surbius had uploaded the leech to the UIT stock exchange, targeting the bidder from KAOS. He waited until the leech would have found the data and activated the retrieval software that in turn downloaded the information to his screen. User name, LITTLE_MAN_TATE; Log on, All_is_dust_666; location, Remley Orbital. Surbius nodded to NP, who used his own tablet screen to activate the account.

"This guy is slick Surb, the log-on is no longer current. He has changed the log-on while the leech was working. He must be pretty paranoid, no way that he could have known that we leeched his info."

NP frowned as he concentrated, punching the keys furiously.

"Oh, here goes the account. The link is dead Surb." He looked up at Surbius with a crooked smile. "But I know who TATE is." 


Buzz entered Dau with naught to show for his search. The BioCom trader had disappeared completely and with him the promised anti-nanites. He docked with complete carelessness scratching the wall of the docking bay as well as breaking the left side thruster off. He opened the cockpit and climbed out, ignoring the dockhands that were around. He walked slowly towards the dorms, dragging his bulk along like a sack of potato's. It had been a long time since he had felt this down. Something hit him on the shoulder, sliding to the floor. He looked down at the floor at the oil and grease encrusted rag on the floor.

"Yeah you, I am talking to you ladyboy." 

Laughter erupted from his right side, and he looked up at a group of station workers that were idling it on some crates. One of them, long dark hair greased back with powerful muscles and a rather dirty overall was standing in front of the others, obviously the owner of the rag. His hands were out from his side in a "come on" attitude. When he got Buzz's attention he turned to the others for support before re-focusing on Buzz.

"You had those things implanted for your hubby?" 

He turned again to the others that laughed loudly. He was about to turn back when a single gunshot pierced the laughter and noise. The station worker dropped and clutched his knee that was now reduced to a single .45 calibre bleeding hole. The men stopped laughing immediately and looked at Buzz who was holding his revolver in his right hand, pointing at the men.

"Come on, one more joke. I dare you wise cracks. Didn't think so." 

Buzz put the revolver back and continued towards the room, somewhat less slouching. He felt slightly bad for shooting the man, but he had to admit that deep down it had helped his current mood considerably. If only he could do the same to that BioCom trader....


Waldoze's pda beeped softly on his table. Three chimes, then one, then three. TGFT business, and important too. He opened his eyes and moved his head away from the pretty redheaded thing he had picked up earlier. She tried to follow, but he put three fingers on his right hand under her chin while propping himself up on his left elbow. 

"Wait a bit gorgeous, I need to take that call."

She rolled to the side of the bed, propping her head up on her arm, the red curls covering the pillow like a flow of snakes. Waldoze walked over to the table, quite unashamed of his nakedness and grabbed the pda. Used to stuff like this, he expertly opened it voice only. Ecka's voice.

"Dozer, need ye fa a job. Get tae strike team an report ASAP tae briefing room B-21. Orders are ticking in on ye pda as we blether. Confarrm reception. And git dressed will ye man."

Waldoze chuckled and signed received. The Old Man knew him too well. He scanned the orders and cursed slowly and methodically under his breath. 

"Is something wrong my love?"

The redhead. Shit, he really needed to run and get this thing under way. He turned, ready for some lame dismissing excuse to run off, and saw her lying there. The deep green eyes and pale face perfectly framed by the crown of deep red hair, the coy smile on her red lips.....

Nothing could hurry that much, he went back to the bed. After all, he had a reputation to uphold.