19. Snatch

In the end it was completely anti climatic. What was supposed to be a high-risk arrest with the involvement of the Remley Orbital SWAT team supporting the local Rent-a-Cops, turned out to be very un-dramatic. After localising him in one of the many non-descript cubicles of sector DD-56-A3, the SWAT team crashed through his door and found s lightly bewildered man inside. After identifying him on his DNA and prints, he was read his rights, and that was basically it. The prisoner boarded the secure Centurion and was escorted by the specially selected TGFT security detail, but even that turned out to be unnecessary. After escorting Asteroth to Dau K-10, they handed the prisoner over the local Rent-a Cops who took him away to a secure facility. Waldoze was slightly pissed off that he had been pulled away from Melody for this.


"Ecka, let me first say how sorry I am for that poor guy, I have no idea what went through my head. I mean, I had a bad day and he really didn't help at all. I don't know how I can make it better, I don't know how to sort myself out."

Buzz was a wreck, the normally so correct and sturdy man was trembling, looking into the floor and keeping his hands in front of him to hide the very female attributes that was the cause of all this. Ecka poured two drams of 18-year-old Nyrius cask strength Pylatis Delicht, handing one to Buzz and ensuring that he drank it before muttering a quick thanks to his ancestors who invented the stuff and drinking his own in one long swallow. He poured another set, one for each.

"Ah cannae tell ya how tae fix that bosom a youse, but ah'll git the coppers oaff ya back fer that shot. Mah best bet would be tae go 'n hae a blether wit Moda son, ya ken?"

Ecka drank his own shot of whisky and nodded to Buzz to do the same. He really didn't have time for all of this, but a guild member was like family, and family needed to look out for each other. He sent Buzz off and turned to his terminal. Who to send to the injured dockhand for persuasion....hm, ah yes, the perfect person for this job.


An alert chimed softly in NP's inner ear, making him wake up. He was disoriented for about three seconds, and then the system kicked in making him aware as surely as a three litre pure caffeine shot would do. He smiled; he absolutely loved his new brain toy. He activated the logger and received all the data his systems had deemed worthwhile of his attention while he slept, prioritised for importance. It was not a perfect system, it had absolutely no intuition and lacked the capacity to interpret, but it gave him the basics of news while he slept. He accessed the list and almost opened his eyes in surprise. Somebody was attacking the cognitive semi-self aware network in the HQ. He sent a message to Toha that he would be leaving, got dressed and bolted for his vulture. He had to access the network directly to avert the attack; besides he trusted that Toha could keep on top of the situation here.


Azumi walked over towards Chana, the smile widening as she closed. Chana felt the unwelcome cold streaked surface of his behemoth and realised that he could back no further. Azumi walked closer and closer and right by him, switching her gaze to the tall girl with the waist long brown hair that was leaning against a Corvus Vulturius. She smiled right back and when she had Azumi's attention, she pushed herself off the vult and moved towards her.

"Hi baby girl"

"Hi Az, did you miss me?"

"Sure did Jas, as always."

The two girls met and embraced, Jasmine letting herself be spun 180 degrees by Azumi who was once more eyeing Chana. 

"Why don't you introduce me to your guild mate there baby girl?"

"Sure hon."

They walked over to Chana still embraced, the two girls grinning like madmen at the complete discomfort that Chana so obviously displayed. Small beads of sweat were appearing on his forehead, and his flight suit felt like a sauna. The two girls walked in very close, Azumi having to look up at Chana unlike Jasmine who was as tall as Chana.

"Azumi, let me present Chana, Chana, this is Azumi."

Chana started nodding to Azumi who cut him short with an even wider grin.

"Isn't he the one they call Mr Tongue?"

Jasmine started giggling and Chana's head started to turn red. Azumi leant in closer to Jasmine and nestled up under her chin while keeping her eyes on Chana, put one finger in her mouth, slightly biting it with her teeth, the grin never leaving her face.

"I wonder why that is hun."

Chana took his arms out to the sides in protest.

"Ms Atamoss, Ms Azumi, I swear I was completely innocent in that incident. As well you know Ms Azumi."

Azumi slid closer to Chana, catching him unaware, and managed to get her hands around his waste.

"Aw, all I did was this deary."

Azumi grabbed his buttocks with one hand, grabbed his neck with the other and tilted his head down so she could reach him.

"Ew, tongue again. It is true enough Jas, he is the undisputed Mr Tongue."

Jas was giggling like a group of pre-school girls at a Ricky Martin concert. Azumi stepped one step back and looked Chana in the eyes.

"I'll get you next time trader."

She took a step over to Jas, placed a kiss on her lips that spread a shock wave of ooh's and aah's from the dockhands and waved to her as she walked slowly over to her own cargo ship. Jasmine had to bite her lip not to laugh at Chana, who was staring at the black and red haired pirate like a child looking at the Christmas presents underneath the tree. He slowly opened and closed his mouth as if he tasted something until she had disappeared from view into the pink CLM tagged Behemoth. Only then did he remember to check his pockets.

"Ah fuck, she took my cred stick again."

"You don't seem too upset Chana, matter of fact you seemed to enjoy it quite a bit."

He snapped out of his semi-comatose state, whirred his head and then realised what Jasmine had said. He shot her a hard glare that failed to impress due to the pretty red colours on his cheeks and stalked over to the dockhands to arrange for a new set of armour plates.

Jasmine laughed out loud and walked back to her vult and the custom paint job she was making on it.